prodigal spouse testimonies

My heart has gone bitter. We'd always been committed to our life together and to our children, family, and community. Someone asked my husband about the double mindedness of a prodigal. Have you ever been touched, inspired, or challenged by someones personal history? Then the Lord sent a great wind on the sea, and such a violent storm arose that the ship threatened to break up. Oh my goodness! I know my marriage is being restored; Im giving it all to him and he WILL restore it as promised in his word. In Arms It took me out of the storm and planted me right back on solid ground today. God bless you and your family as well and thank you for joining my journey on Heart of a Wife. I learned the first rule of repentance: that repentance requires greater intimacy with God than with our sin. Maybe he can save us.. and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will. His marriage began falling apart and he nearly hurt his baby daughter and strangled his wife Cynthia. However, in the last few years, I began to feel my husband's commitment to us wavering. The answer is simple. Heres his response: We already have an article on how powerful of a strategy this is with the Lord. I have been separated for almost a year, and have experienced many blessings along the way. Something that changed her life completely. Nabeel, like Rosaria Butterfield (above) had everything to lose and seemingly nothing to gain for rejecting his Muslim roots and turning to Christ. I long-God help me!-to wallow to-night. (LogOut/ RUN as fast as we can!! Louis Zamperini was an Olympic runner and talented mischief-maker whose incredible survival story (30+ days floating in the open ocean after his plane crashed into the sea; then a year in a brutal Japanese POW camp being tormented by a sadistic guard) became a best-selling book, then a movie directed by Angelina Jolie. Some of them you raised to love Jesus. There is no peace, says my God, for the wicked. And when we finally realize that it doesnt matter what we see and hear about and from our spouses and their plans and lives because Gods Word and Will can NOT be thwarted, we can walk in the confidence declared in Isaiah 8:10, which says Devise your strategy, but it will be thwarted; propose your plan, but it will not stand, for God is with us. And this woman went into a very heavy seeking mode. Mostly they are uninterested in anything the church has to offer. For those of you who are still praying to the Lord for the restoration of your marriage, below is a powerful testimony we have just received from a woman by the name of Crystal. I know that many who read my words have prodigals in your life. My sense is that you knew Him when you went through your Jonah moments. If he had been peaceful, okay with me leaving if thats what I chose to do, and confident, I wouldnt have known what to do with the situation. And even if the world doesnt want our religion, it desperately wants our prayers. Sometimes, when my own faith is flagging, it is encouraging to read stories about (and usually by) people who have struggled usually with tougher situations than mine and overcome. Everyday I seek God to fight this battle. That morning, he believed, he was a new creation. Eventually, through her interaction with the humble pastor and his wife, and her study of the Bible, Rosaria came to the conviction that God was real and worth believing. Mark 10:9 Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate. Have compassion on me! That has to happen to every prodigal son and daughter, and it cannot be predicted or forced. One of the more frequent type of emails we have received over the years since we have been online is from married couples, where one of the spouses has left the other one for another partner. Some of them grew up in Sunday School. Nichols later peacefully allowed himself to be re-arrested. but I thought it would be perhaps a Hi hellohow are you.or perhaps a few weeks down the line he might drop in a call or something.I had no idea that MY GOD was bringing my husband home that day.that instant. Rosaria Butterfield. We cant pay our bills. We claim to know the living God. But in the end, he chose to follow where he saw the evidence leading himthis is his story. Certainly, it is well done, and the conclusion that following Gods plan for our lives is the right one, but oh, how true it is the hurt we cause loved ones when we fail to obey the Lord. I have dreams, visions, and endless memories of you. I got a bad report that rocked me and then felt horrible because I wondered if Id learned anything in all this time, so my faith needed strengthening. Ill try to be as brief as possible but I really dont want to leave any detail matter how small, because it may be the very thing God wants to use to inspire and encourage a stander or prodigal spouse. A comfy Mediterranean cruise. This has been a three year battle, and I am going down the wrong path again by crying and screaming. The Prodigal Son Susan remembers her firstborn son Martin as a delightful little boy. Wow! Thank you for sharing this. This is just what I needed today! GOD has them, so remember that they are NOT in control. Soon he would be in Tarshish, a beautiful city in Spain. We all wonder how to reach this generation that seems so turned off to God and religion. If we wait for people to come to our services, we will in most cases wait forever. Keep standing and following His example. You feel like your whole world has been shattered and that you will never be able to trust your spouse again, even though you are asking God to bring your mate back to you as you cannot stand the pain of that broken heart. The truth is that Gods plan continues to chase us, no matter how far we try to run, and the only way that we can be free is to stop trying to avoid Gods will and embrace it. He was so cheerful and sweet! And I will bring them out from the peoples and gather them from the countries, and will bring them into their own land. We claim to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. DONT STOP PRAYING AND FASTING! This is the reason you cant give up. God wont leave me alone! I know its because you are praying. He will always lead us right back to his will. Another thing she did when she went on the offensive was to plead the blood of Jesus around the situation. We know God is in control, and we are praying and waiting, but nothing seems to be happening. God is also working in ME as I wait, and I like who I am becoming in Him and understand that He has to complete His work in me before reconciliation occurs. Those searing words speak to an inner battle we all feel from time to time, a battle we sometimes sing about in more familiar words: Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, O church, why arent we praying? He didnt know how to do it and often times he was so negative and emotional that I wanted nothing to do with him. Breaking the Generational curse of Divorce by Melissa, God CAN and WILL Turn a Prodigals Heart! Stephanie, All Rights Reserved. I wanted desperately to come home in one sense, because it was the only peace I could truly find. Thank you for such beautiful encouragement. We buy into the its better for me to be happythen I will be a better father/mother trapjust another Lie. I was deep in thought today and I want to share some of my experience as a prodigal. Besides being a fascinating autobiography about a powerful evangelist who sadly passed away last year, this book gives readers a helpful look into Christian apologetics, Islam, and evangelism. Hes going to seduce you with anger, bitterness, sex, and anything else he can to eliminate your will to press forward in this battle. And your clinginess, desperation and tears make us sick to our stomachs; not because we dont care about youbecause we dowe love you, but it is hidden so deep inside that we cant see or feel it. That he will find them and bring them home. At the End of the Year, Are You Just Trying to Get Attention? I could not understand why God was leading me to go home. What is his promise? Im afraid, and my heart is saturated with anger, shame, and guilt. It was also hard to hear him (the crowd was large and he was an old man at that point). He wanted to give our marriage a chance and he loved me and wanted to be with ME. It's really important when standing for a marriage to do everything you're able to build your faith. Contact Rejoice; Submit a Testimony; Submit . As we have showed you in our article titled, Bible Verses on Faith, the Bible tells us that faith the size of a mustard seed will move mountains. The title of this article is, Prayer Secret #6 The Prayer of Agreement.. I have been standing for my marriage for six months now with no communication from my husband. Lord, I am stepping out of the way and trusting you and that restoration is already on its way. In 2005, widowed single mother Ashley Smith was in the middle of moving when she was apprehended by an escaped murderer and held hostage in her apartment for seven hours. I am going through exactly same marriage problem like Crystal. In the story Jesus told, the father waited for his son to return and then ran to meet him when he was still far from home. If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. What I learned: Bitterness and vengefulness is vain it destroys us from the inside out, and hurts those we love as well. Thank you, this was very helpful for me going into the weekend. I started praying the way you suggested 48 hours ago and today he told me hes moving in with woman he left us for. After reading your post, I am encouraged on a new level. Unlike most of the people on this list, Nabeel was not a prodigal in any outward way. A few weeks ago my wife and I led a one-day Pastors Conference in Brunswick, Maine. It was hard to believe that he had once gone through such horrible experiences, and that they had twisted him into a hate-filled, bitter man for a period of time. Prodigals think CRAZY things. Thats true about every city in America. Love One Another The Overlooked Commandment. Pray for my husband Nick. How else can you explain a politician who breaks the law and then lies with impunity? Music if Fun matt lanter political views . Prone to leave the God I love. God bless you as you continue to heal with your husband and family. No chance to tread in the narrow path; Yet while I was a great way off The world doesnt care about our religion, but the world wants us to pray. 3. Prodigals think CRAZY things. (THIS INCLUDES JUDGES IN A COURTROOM!) Do you consider yourself married in God's eyes regardless of your legal marital status? At first, I was a little embarrassed to share it, but I realize that was the enemy's condemnation and that I need to use my testimony as God has commanded, which I hope blesses you and will help overcome and hurl down the devil as you stand for the . Today, the family travels around the world telling their story and encouraging others in similar straits but it is a hard-won victory, one you can read for yourself in this gripping duo-biography. This is where I am at now, my husband is cold and telling me that its never going to work out! Copyright 2005-2023 Faith And Marriage Ministries. My husband has left again for the fifth time, claiming that hes not sure if he can love me the way I need. Im so glad I found this site! Copyright by Michael Bradley and Chris Bradley, Prayer Secret #6 The Prayer of Agreement., When People Let You Down: Dealing with Disappointment. Everything we ever wanted is now within this other person and you are now the enemy; you want to rob us of our joy, you dont understand us, you dont love us; because if you did, we wouldnt have gone astray. Come quickly, Lord! Dear Spouse, Its me, your lost beloved. Just look at what God can doHe can do it, you guys!!! The most difficult thing God has ever asked of me has been to trust in Him, to give my husband completely to Him and to love no matter what. I just lost my job. But forgiveness is not something we can (or want to) muster up on our own. Thank you for the testimony and the encouragement. I keep pushing him farther and farther away. The son would have said, If only you had left me alone for one more day, I would have made all my money back because I was investing in pork bellies.. Jonah said, I think Ill go west.. God will bring them home. (After the knowledge gained from his experiences debating Nabeel, David today continues to wrestle with Muslim ideology through his ministry, Acts 17 Apologetics). After his mentor Scott Helvenston was brutally killed in Iraq, and his death televised, the young Chad Williams vowed to become a Navy SEAL and avenge Scotts death. But Chad found that his victory was strangely empty. When you are done with your self-pity, you decide to pray and fast for your loved one. The enemy will do everything to destroy your stand and keep your loved one in bondage. I was greatly deceived and believed that God was calling me to leave my family and pursue my soul mate. I kept running in the opposite direction of where God was calling me back home. Some went to a Christian college. Love in Jesus mighty name, amen! He went down to Joppa (an ancient port city just south of modern-day Tel Aviv) where he found a boat bound for Tarshish. Some were preachers. Im scared; Im tired; I have thoughts of ending my life to stop this pain. I NEED YOU!!! But many times they themselves became standers because by that time, their spouses had moved on or were not interested in marriage restoration. But I finally understand and it is only by Gods grace and lots of prayers that I still place my hope in the Lord and His promises and I believe deep down that it is not over even though it might seem that way. He put on my feet the shoes that miss 2. When last we left the reluctant prophet, he seemed to be on top of the world. Matthew 26, 27, 28 is where you can read and learn more about each stage of the process. The world generally doesnt care about what we say and do on Sunday morning. 1. Please ponder these four words: We never sin alone. Thanks for sharing this; its truly a great testimony. So they started the first interfaith prayer meeting in the Bible, each man crying out to his own god. Why God! you shout in pain. Even in hard times, offer God a sacrifice of thanksgiving and keep any vow or promise you have made to Him, and see what He will do! The problem is always on the inside. God bless all of our marriages and families. So The Prodigal Perspective section of The FAM Fellowship website is a great source of encouragement because it contains the very revealing and powerful testimonies of those who had once abandoned their marriages and/or were once caught up in adulterous relationships and how the Lord spoke to them and brought them back to their senses and their spouses. The people of the world say to us, Cant you see what is happening? And I stand on Gods word for restoration with my husband and thank and praise Him for who He is, all He has done and will do!! There he could live the high life, far from the presence of the Lord. I'm fighting with God's help. The Prodigal Spouse Resource Center is a password protected section of our website. THE ANDERSONS: Forgiving the Prodigal Spouse THE SHRIVERS: After the Affair If God has given you a testimony one that could help and encourage others who are living with the horrible pain of infidelity, we would appreciate it if you would send it to us. Believe it or not, I still have to remind myself of these things when I get all worked up and emotional. I too am a testimony of God putting a marriage back together that was broken to pieces, and in our eyes, beyond repair. He is a good, good God! Wow!! Ive done all I can to restore my marriage and now I am surrendering it all to God. I dont want to apportion blame too much here but suffice it to say we had some in-law issues which contributed greatly to our demise.but that is another story and I want to concentrate on how God showed up and showed off in the mist of my situation. I think I either bought or borrowed every book on marriagewarfare.prayeryou name it .every website I could think of.. And I just wrapped my husband up and prayed what ever pray I could even verbatim from some of those same books.I became like a one man army.. At times the devil whispered in my ears and unbelief and doubt settled in.I would call my prayer warriors for encouragement and go to God crying and in a few hours would be right as rain and ready again to go up against the gates of hell for my boo. He can and He will!!! The pain adultery causes in a marriage relationship is extreme and traumatic, as a broken heart is one of the worst kinds of pain you can go through. 4-5). He filled my body with meat and wine, Remember I wasn't rooted in God so my prayers wasn't as flowing as other people but everyday I gain more and more strength and my faith began to soar..I prayed that God would soften my husband's heart and remind him of the love we once sharedI asked God to send Godly people in his life to speak to him even when I couldn't and God heard me. We hear the ENEMYS voice louder than Gods; we have put Gods voice on mute and the enemy tells us that we will be happy if we are divorced from youthen we could be free, happy and fulfilled. And I never consulted God on anything; I was too angry and my heart was made of the hardest stone imaginable. Our relationship has grown in leaps and bounds since that dreadful time in our lives. There is nothing you can say or do, and everything you say or do in your will, will FAIL. It gives me hope for the restoration of my marriage. He brought me home to a man I SWORE I didnt love, didnt want to be with, and didnt want to be in the same room with if it could be avoided. 4. Though Nabeel has graduated from this life, his ministry continues to live on in his wife, and his friends. We are running from God, and when you act like that, we run from you too. The world is waiting for the church to pray. Monday, January 26th, 2009 at 11:07 am in Seeds Of Faith. Just like The Parable of the Prodigal Son found in the Bible, God is waitin. As Eugene Peterson puts it, He was so hungry he would have eaten the corncobs in the pig slop, but no one would give him any. If you saw that, youmight think, That young man is ready for a new life. Maybe so, maybe not. I accepted the truth and knew deep in my heart that beyond all the pain in our lives, going back was where I belonged. Reading this testimony gave me so much hope, so I want to say thank you for restoring my faith. Thanks so much for sharing your testimony. And: God is worth the sacrifice. I am just waiting for my husband to come back, because Satan is already defeated, but its our faith that moves mountains! This has given me so much encouragementthank you so much for posting it. That scorches deeper than fires of wrath. Maybe he will take notice of us, and we will not perish (v. 6). I know how hard this must be. Please support our ministry by giving here. 2 Timothy 2:26 Thats always step one for the prodigal. Thats really good news because there is only one person in the universe who can change the heart, and he specializes in divine heart surgery. Restoration wont work if youre not ready. As a preview to your own restoration, let me be a testimony that when God fully restores your marriage, your prodigal spouse will have . Im just seeking after the heart of God. What if the father in the story had gone after his son and tried to bring him back even one day early? Thats Part 1 of How God Pursues Prodigals. In Part 2 well discover that being swallowed by a great fish may be the best thing that ever happened to us. However, when we are in the midst of the storm, filled with love for our spouse and the desire for restoration, we have a tendency to want to do something, say somethinganything to bring them back or keep them from leaving. I once had the privilege of hearing Louis Zamperini speak, before his death. We cherish our marriage and our relationship with God and He is doing wonderful things in our lives because of it. He began to party heavily with friends, and lost control of himself, so much so that he frightened his own parentsuntil he found out about God and His plans for him, and did a total 180 with his life. THIS IS A FIGHT! Despite his amazing endurance, and the heros welcome he received after returning home, Louis Zamperini struggled hard with the demons of PTSD and revenge. How else can you explain a mans reckless behavior in having one affair after another? 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prodigal spouse testimonies

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